Monday, July 12, 2010

Friday in Paris

When you think about traveling abroad, what are the biggest 2 worries one might have; ending up in hospital (which happened) and losing ones wallet (also happened).

On Friday we went to the Louvre. Everyone always says how big the Louvre is, and they aren't kidding. There is so much to see there! We first set off to see the Mona Lisa. Everyone else seemed to have the same idea because there was a massive crowd around her (you can only get within about 10 feet of the painting, which is behind a big piece of glass). I pushed my way up to the front and got a good look at the old girl. She is pretty amazing. After that we wandered around looking at painting after painting, until I couldn't handle anymore and needed a beverage break. It was sometime during the beverage break that Hanks wallet went missing. We had about 200 euro in cash and 5 credit cards in there. It never did turn up in lost and found, and we had to leave the Louvre to call and have his credit cards canceled. Luckily for us, I had a set of cards and some cash on me so all was well and good. We were only out the cash.
That afternoon we met up with everyone at the Opera house, which is famous for being the setting of the Phantom of the Opera. There was a concert going on, so I didn't get to see the famous chandelier, but the rest of the place was gorgeous. Apparently there are really underground rivers below the Opera.
The rest of the day consisted of the Bastille Monument (which I couldn't get to because of construction) and back to the Louvre. My favorite part of the day was putting my feet in the fountains at the Louvre. There were thousands of people just hanging about enjoying the cool water and the sunset. It doesn't get dark until about 11 in Paris.

1 comment:

  1. I like the 'feet in the fountains'...sounds like a movie! So sad about the wallet - at least his passport was safe. Have a good week back at home base.
