Thursday, July 1, 2010

Newstead Abbey

Yesterday we went to Newstead Abbey, home of the poet Lord Byron. Newstead is just a 20 minute bus ride from Nottingham. The bus drops you off at the entrance, but you've got another 1.5 mile walk to the Abbey. You can walk along side the road, or you can venture through the mystical tree caves. I prefer the tree caves. Along the way I was bitten by a thorny bush. Later, Hank was also bitten by such a thorny bush. It appeared to have given off a poison because both our hands were tingly and hurting for quite some time. It went away.
When you arrive at the Abbey, its a lovely site. There's a large lake with geese and peacocks everywhere. You are allowed inside of the house, but it was closed yesterday. We came for the gardens anyway. I've been inside the house many times and I'm sure it hasn't changed much. The gardens here are spectacular. There are rivers and ponds and trees and flowers and ducks and swans and everything a garden should have! We spent several hours just wandering. I almost patted a peacock, but a dog came along and he ran away. Max and Cletus would love it here.
The walk up to the Abbey is lovely, but the walk back somehow always seems twice as long and uphill (even though I swore we went uphill on the way here?). Either way, I'm sure we'll be back soon. The house is haunted so we're trying to find a ghost tour of it.

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